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Fitplomacy 101 (ebook)

by @thefitplomat

This E-book covers The Fitplomat’s learnings over his 13 year personal fitness journey. As the leader of 3 International organisations, his busy lifestyle makes him the model work-life balance coach for change makers in any walk of life. From advising over 30 African presidents to being a loving husband and father, The Fitplomat offers you his tricks and secrets to stay fit all year round.


This is for people who want to wake up every day and go out into their job, their education, their projects, and their daily engagements with the fullest capabilities. These capabilities are mental and physical. Both of these spheres must be tackled at the same time to achieve self-actualisation, or else one will always let the other down.

I’m pretty sure that’s already been a struggle of yours, as it’s been a struggle of mine, and remains one if you tend to let your guard down. If you want to grow, you have to do what you’ve never done before. As they say insanity is doing the same things over and over again while expecting different results!

This program is designed to grow you and take you out of your comfort zone. My aim is to help you realise that to perform in everyday life it is mandatory that your mind and body be in check. Anything else is a complete self-limitation and you ought to wake up to this reality… right now!

No meeting will be successful when your body isn’t at its fittest. No emotionally challenging scenario will pass so smoothly without your mind and body fully under your control. The hard days that keep you stuck to your bed will become exciting days where you’re filled with energy and able to perform because you’re well rested and well fed. Confidence and self belief are direct benefits of success at this lifestyle, things change when you do this right.

Soon people are going to ask you a question that I’ve received for years now and it’s “hey, how do you do it all?” The answer is simple: by doing it all. There is a time and place for everything that fits.

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